1054 Budapest, Alkotmány utca 15
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HYAcorp MLF2 Body Contouring (1x10ml)

( 19 )


Hyacorp MLF 2 Body Contouring is a hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler that is recommended for contouring various body parts.
It is considered a less invasive alternative to plastic surgery, allowing patients to avoid downtime and general inconvenience.
It is important to note that Hyacorp MLF 2 is not designed for facial correction, except for the zygomatic area.
Hyacorp MLF 2 is specifically recommended for sculpting larger body parts with thicker skin. For smaller areas with delicate skin, such as the hands, the manufacturer has developed Hyacorp MLF 1.

The package includes:

  • 1 x 10ml Pre-filled syringe
  • Package inserts
  • Traceability labels

Ingredients of the product:

  • Hyaluronic acid (2mg/ml)
  • Cross-linked hyaluronic acid (20mg/ml)
  • Sodium chloride (6.9mg/ml)
  • Water (1mg/ml)

The advantages of utilizing of Hyacorp MLF 2:

  • Contouring the body
  • Enhancement of the zygomatic area
  • Replenishment of lost volume
  • Target areas: hands, calves, buttocks, concave deformities

What is the duration of the results?

Hyacorp MLF 2 can be administered quickly with minimal downtime required for recovery.
The gel retains its effectiveness for approximately 8 months, although the exact duration may vary based on individual factors such as age, lifestyle, diet, and others.

