1054 Budapest, Alkotmány utca 15
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HYAcorp MLF1 Body Contouring (1x10ml)

( 7 )


Hyacorp MLF 1 Body Contouring is a dermal filler that utilizes hyaluronic acid and is recommended for contouring various areas of the body.

It is considered a less invasive alternative to plastic surgery, offering patients the advantage of avoiding downtime and general inconveniences associated with surgical procedures.

It’s worth noting that Hyacorp MLF 1 is not intended for facial corrections, except for the zygomatic area. Its primary purpose is to sculpt smaller body parts. In the case of larger areas with thicker skin, such as breasts, the manufacturer has developed Hyacorp MLF2 as a suitable option.

The package includes:

  • 1 x 10ml Pre-filled syringe
  • Package inserts
  • Traceability labels

Ingredients of the product:

  • Hyaluronic acid, cross-linked (20mg/ml)
  • Hyaluronic acid (2mg/ml)
  • Sodium chloride (6.9mg/ml)
  • Water (1mg/ml)

The advantages of utilizing of Hyacorp MLF 1:

  • Sculpting the body
  • Improving the appearance of the zygomatic area
  • Restoring lost volume
  • Target areas: hands, calves, buttocks, concave deformities

What is the duration of the results?

Hyacorp MLF 1 can be injected swiftly with minimal downtime required for recovery.
The gel remains effective for approximately 8 months, though the precise duration can vary depending on individual factors such as age, lifestyle, diet, and other variables.

